PragueVision Timeline


January 2018

PragueVision vice-chair Vanda Prošková was a guest on three episodes of the podcast The Virtues of Peace:

Episode 26: The Moral Energy of Prague: Vanda Proskova and the Inspiration of Bertha von Suttner (January 7, 2021)

Episode 27: Youth Engagement and the Nuclear Issue: A Conversation with Vanda Prošková (January 14, 2021)

Episode 28: A New Day Begins: A Discussion About the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on the Eve of its Entry into Force (January 21, 2021)
January 2018


2 October, 2020

PragueVision vice-chair Vanda Prošková addressed the UN High Level Meeting on Nuclear Weapons as one of two civil society representatives. Watch on YouTube

2 October, 2020

September & October 2020

We participated in #WeThePeoples2020, a platform of actions and events for civil society engagement in the period of UN High Level meetings from the International Day of Peace, Sep 21, until International Day for Non-violence, Oct 2 2020.

September & October 2020

17 September, 2020

PragueVision vice-chair Vanda Prošková presented at the UN International Day of Peace Observance ceremony that was held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

17 September, 2020

August 2020

We moved into a new office in Prague 5

August 2020

17 June, 2020

We organized an online workshop on the connections between (nuclear) disarmament and the SDGs for Associazione Diplomatici in Italy.

17 June, 2020

5 May, 2020

We welcome a new PragueVision vice-chair Vanda Prošková! 🙂 Vanda has worked with PragueVision and PNND for over 2 years. She coordinated the Bertha von Suttner translation project and conference in 2019. She has been the driving force in our current projects, as well as many other initiatives outside of PragueVision.

5 May, 2020

9 January, 2020

We participated in Climate, peace and security: from youth voices to policy action, a special meeting of legislators and youth leaders from the climate, peace and disarmament movements held in Basel in conjunction with the Basel Peace Forum.

9 January, 2020


October 2019

We helped to organize the Count the Nuclear Weapons Money event in New York City, supporting the global Move the Nuclear Weapons Money campaign.

October 2019

7–8 October 2019

Bertha von Suttner Conference

We organized Bertha von Suttner: 130 Years of Ideas that Don’t Get Old, an international conference held in Prague, and launched a modern Czech translation of Suttner’s book Lay Down Your Arms.

7–8 October 2019

June 2019

We participated in a roundtable discussion “The Future of Disarmament” organized by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament.

June 2019

June 2019

We participated in Save the Earth, Abolish War conference in London, UK.

June 2019

February 2019

We participated in PyeongChang Global Peace Forum in Seoul, South Korea.

February 2019

January 2019

January 2019

January 2019

We attended panel discussion Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Possible Measures to Strengthen the Treaty’s Normative Standing; and a meeting of NGO Committee on Peace in Vienna, Austria.

January 2019


September 2018

We organized a screening of The Man Who Saved the World in Prague, followed by discussion with disarmament experts.

September 2018


November 2017

We participated in Reaching high for a nuclear-weapon-free world, an international youth conference held at the Charles University in Prague.

November 2017


December 2016

We participated in the 6th Prague Agenda Conference and organized a side event excursion to the Atom Museum located in a former Soviet nuclear depo Javor 51 near Prague.

December 2016

October 2016

We participated in the 135th IPU Assembly in Geneva as part of the PNND delegation.

October 2016

August 2016

We attended Building a nuclear-weapon-free world, an international conference held in Astana, Kazakhstan, on the 25th anniversary of the closing the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

August 2016

August 2016

We organized Bike Around the Bomb in Prague.

August 2016

May and August 2016

We participated in various meetings of the Open-ended working group on nuclear disarmament in Geneva.

May and August 2016


November 2015

We participated in the Fourth EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference in Brussels, Belgium.

November 2015

26 November 2015

We gave presentation about nuclear disarmament movement at Public Lecture: 70 Years Since the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki held at the Moravian Library in Brno.

26 November 2015

15–17 October 2015

PNND Assembly in Prague

PragueVision served as the logistical host for the PNND Assembly 2015 in Prague. The Assembly was hosted by Alena Gajduskova, PNND Council Member, and Senator Ivo Barek, Vice-President of the Czech Senate. The event was organized in conjunction with the 5th Prague Agenda Conference. As a side event, we organized a Czech premiere screening of the movie The Man Who Saved the World.

Conference website / Assembly report

15–17 October 2015

August 2015

Visiting Hiroshima

We participated in International Youth Summit for Nuclear Abolition in Hiroshima, Japan, and visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

August 2015

May 2015

We participated in the 2015 NPT Review Conference in New York and co-organized a rountable side event The Role of Umbrella States in Nuclear Disarmament.

May 2015

April 2015

We presented at a panel discussion on nuclear disarmament held by the Youth section of the Czech Social Democratic Party.

April 2015

April 2015

We presented at A Century of Weaponry of Mass Destruction: Enough!, a conference organized by Mayors for Peace in Ypres, Belgium, on the centenary commemoration of first use of chemical weapons.

April 2015


December 2014

December 2014

We participated in the 4th Prague Agenda Conference.

December 2014

October 2014

For UNFOLD ZERO platform, we developed a multi-media campaign for the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, including a promo video where we asked strangers in Prague “How many nuclear weapons do you think are in the world?” and “How many should there be?”

October 2014

15 May, 2014

PNND event in the Czech Senate

We organized a PNND event in the Czech Senate featuring Ms Angela Kane, UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, as a special guest.

15 May, 2014

May 2014


We co-founded UNFOLD ZERO, an international platform to promote progress in nuclear disarmament through UN bodies and mechanisms.

May 2014

February 2014

We participated in the 2014 PNND Assembly in Washington DC, USA.

February 2014


June 2013

PragueVision is born

PragueVision – Institute for Sustainable Security was registered as a non-profit organisation in the Czech Republic.

June 2013